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Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +58.79%, $PRFX ⇑ +56.72%, *$MTEM ⇑ +21.76%, *$VRNT ⇑ +20.14%, $REVB ⇑ +18.24%, $CAPR ⇑ +14.23%, and $FIVE ⇑ +12.60%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.92%, $UPXI ⇓ −24.62%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −19.46%, $CYCN ⇓ −17.32%, *$PRTH ⇓ −15.69%, and $CHNR ⇓ −14.60%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +57.32%, $PRFX ⇑ +54.85%, *$VRNT ⇑ +20.22%, *$MTEM ⇑ +18.80%, *$REVB ⇑ +18.14%, *$CAPR ⇑ +15.49%, and *$FIVE ⇑ +13.13%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.91%, $UPXI ⇓ −24.62%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −19.27%, $CYCN ⇓ −17.17%, $NCNO ⇓ −14.71%, and $CHNR ⇓ −14.60%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +61.74%, $PRFX ⇑ +57.09%, $MTEM ⇑ +22.22%, $BJDX ⇑ +22.11%, $VRNT ⇑ +20.72%, $REVB ⇑ +17.05%, and $CAPR ⇑ +14.37%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.90%, $UPXI ⇓ −24.62%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −19.25%, $CYCN ⇓ −17.64%, $NCNO ⇓ −15.06%, and *$CHNR ⇓ −14.60%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +63.18%, $PRFX ⇑ +59.70%, *$MTEM ⇑ +21.74%, *$BJDX ⇑ +21.08%, *$VRNT ⇑ +20.72%, $REVB ⇑ +16.01%, and *$CAPR ⇑ +13.13%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −39.56%, $UPXI ⇓ −24.62%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −20.28%, $CYCN ⇓ −18.43%, *$NCNO ⇓ −15.06%, and *$HTOO ⇓ −14.04%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +63.21%, $PRFX ⇑ +60.09%, $BJDX ⇑ +29.56%, $VRNT ⇑ +20.14%, $MTEM ⇑ +19.75%, $REVB ⇑ +14.99%, and *$FIVE ⇑ +12.95%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.90%, $UPXI ⇓ −24.62%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −19.48%, $CYCN ⇓ −18.11%, $HTOO ⇓ −15.31%, and $S ⇓ −14.85%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +63.21%, $PRFX ⇑ +57.09%, $BJDX ⇑ +30.08%, *$VRNT ⇑ +20.91%, *$MTEM ⇑ +18.80%, $REVB ⇑ +16.01%, and $CAPR ⇑ +13.99%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.95%, $UPXI ⇓ −24.62%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −21.09%, $CYCN ⇓ −18.40%, $HTOO ⇓ −16.17%, and *$S ⇓ −14.50%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +61.74%, $PRFX ⇑ +57.09%, $BJDX ⇑ +29.31%, $MTEM ⇑ +23.23%, $VRNT ⇑ +19.37%, $REVB ⇑ +15.26%, and *$CAPR ⇑ +14.42%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −39.56%, $UPXI ⇓ −24.62%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$LODE ⇓ −19.29%, *$CYCN ⇓ −18.58%, *$HTOO ⇓ −15.85%, and $NCNO ⇓ −14.05%.

Top after-hours gainers: *$MIGI ⇑ +60.27%, *$PRFX ⇑ +59.70%, $BJDX ⇑ +23.39%, *$MTEM ⇑ +18.80%, *$VRNT ⇑ +18.60%, *$REVB ⇑ +15.37%, and *$SBFM ⇑ +12.46%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.98%, $UPXI ⇓ −24.62%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $CYCN ⇓ −19.21%, $LODE ⇓ −18.26%, *$PEV ⇓ −14.22%, and *$NCNO ⇓ −14.09%.

Top after-hours gainers: *$PRFX ⇑ +61.57%, *$MIGI ⇑ +57.30%, $BJDX ⇑ +25.96%, $VRNT ⇑ +19.37%, $REVB ⇑ +15.39%, *$FIVE ⇑ +12.38%, and *$PASG ⇑ +12.24%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −40.09%, $UPXI ⇓ −25.46%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $CYCN ⇓ −17.80%, $LODE ⇓ −17.28%, $NCNO ⇓ −14.24%, and *$AEO ⇓ −13.49%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +64.68%, $PRFX ⇑ +60.07%, $BJDX ⇑ +28.28%, $VRNT ⇑ +18.21%, $REVB ⇑ +14.94%, *$PASG ⇑ +12.24%, and $NB ⇑ +12.23%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.95%, $UPXI ⇓ −25.46%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$CYCN ⇓ −17.32%, *$LODE ⇓ −17.26%, *$NCNO ⇓ −14.33%, and *$HTOO ⇓ −13.67%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +64.67%, $PRFX ⇑ +61.94%, *$BJDX ⇑ +24.68%, *$VRNT ⇑ +19.37%, *$REVB ⇑ +17.07%, $SBFM ⇑ +12.46%, and $NB ⇑ +12.23%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −37.80%, $UPXI ⇓ −25.46%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −17.26%, $CYCN ⇓ −15.91%, $HTOO ⇓ −14.42%, and *$S ⇓ −14.02%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +61.74%, $PRFX ⇑ +50.37%, $REVB ⇑ +19.20%, *$BJDX ⇑ +18.77%, *$VRNT ⇑ +17.92%, $SBFM ⇑ +12.79%, and $NB ⇑ +12.23%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −37.57%, $UPXI ⇓ −25.46%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −19.07%, *$CYCN ⇓ −16.22%, *$HTOO ⇓ −15.06%, and *$PEV ⇓ −14.25%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +63.21%, $PRFX ⇑ +45.52%, *$REVB ⇑ +20.43%, *$VRNT ⇑ +19.64%, *$BJDX ⇑ +19.54%, *$SBFM ⇑ +12.79%, and *$NB ⇑ +12.23%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −37.54%, $UPXI ⇓ −25.46%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −20.75%, $HTOO ⇓ −16.31%, $CYCN ⇓ −15.30%, and *$SMX ⇓ −13.75%.

$OGE OGE Energy appointed Charles Walworth as CFO, effective Dec 4.

$SYBT Stock Yards Bancorp filed mixed securities shelf offering.

$GAU Galiano Gold terminated its gold purchase and sale agreement with Red Kite Opportunities Master Fund Limited for total cash consideration of $13M.

$FFWM First Foundation filed for 70,258,815 share common stock offering by selling shareholders.

$BEN Franklin Resources increased quarterly cash dividend to $0.32 per share from $0.31 per share.

$BAK Braskem SA announced appointment of Felipe Montoro as new CFO, replacing Pedro Van Langendonck.

$BANX ArrowMark Financial declared a $0.20/sh special cash distribution and a regular distribution of $0.45/sh.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +76.44%, $PRFX ⇑ +43.66%, *$VRNT ⇑ +19.64%, *$BJDX ⇑ +16.97%, $REVB ⇑ +15.47%, *$NB ⇑ +12.23%, and *$PASG ⇑ +12.21%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −37.54%, $UPXI ⇓ −25.46%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −17.26%, *$HTOO ⇓ −16.35%, *$CYCN ⇓ −16.06%, and $NCNO ⇓ −13.41%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +76.44%, $PRFX ⇑ +48.88%, $BJDX ⇑ +25.96%, $VRNT ⇑ +19.75%, $REVB ⇑ +16.01%, *$SBFM ⇑ +14.14%, and *$PBM ⇑ +12.30%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.25%, $UPXI ⇓ −25.46%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −18.26%, $CYCN ⇓ −14.96%, *$S ⇓ −13.56%, and *$NCNO ⇓ −13.34%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +72.05%, $PRFX ⇑ +44.40%, $BJDX ⇑ +33.68%, $VRNT ⇑ +17.94%, *$REVB ⇑ +17.07%, *$PBM ⇑ +12.30%, and *$PASG ⇑ +12.24%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −37.00%, $UPXI ⇓ −25.29%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −18.26%, $CYCN ⇓ −14.64%, *$HTOO ⇓ −14.42%, and $S ⇓ −13.28%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +74.97%, $PRFX ⇑ +45.90%, *$BJDX ⇑ +21.08%, *$VRNT ⇑ +18.71%, *$PBM ⇑ +12.30%, *$PASG ⇑ +12.24%, and *$NB ⇑ +12.23%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −38.15%, $UPXI ⇓ −26.30%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −20.28%, $CYCN ⇓ −16.22%, *$NCNO ⇓ −13.53%, and *$S ⇓ −13.21%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +70.56%, $PRFX ⇑ +49.63%, $VRNT ⇑ +19.14%, *$REVB ⇑ +16.86%, *$MTEM ⇑ +12.77%, *$PBM ⇑ +12.30%, and *$PASG ⇑ +12.24%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −36.30%, $UPXI ⇓ −26.30%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −18.26%, $CYCN ⇓ −16.22%, *$S ⇓ −13.25%, and *$AEO ⇓ −12.56%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +64.67%, $PRFX ⇑ +46.64%, $VRNT ⇑ +16.60%, *$PBM ⇑ +12.30%, *$PASG ⇑ +12.24%, *$NB ⇑ +12.23%, and *$MTEM ⇑ +11.23%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −37.96%, $UPXI ⇓ −26.30%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −17.28%, $CYCN ⇓ −15.18%, *$PEV ⇓ −13.00%, and *$NCNO ⇓ −12.94%.

Stocks with an Improving Chaikin Money Flow: $BBSEY, $BTCW, $CRTG, $GEN, $KVLQF, $NBIS, $PNI, $SOND, $VAYK, $CLMT.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +55.86%, $PRFX ⇑ +47.01%, *$VRNT ⇑ +18.41%, *$REVB ⇑ +14.41%, *$PBM ⇑ +12.30%, *$CHPT ⇑ +12.29%, and *$PASG ⇑ +12.24%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −40.58%, $UPXI ⇓ −26.30%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −17.19%, *$CYCN ⇓ −15.28%, *$HTOO ⇓ −13.46%, and *$PEV ⇓ −12.98%.

A Top Story Now: Jeff Bezos says he's optimistic about Trump, will help with reducing regulation

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +58.81%, $PRFX ⇑ +53.36%, $CDIO ⇑ +21.64%, $VRNT ⇑ +17.37%, $CHPT ⇑ +13.93%, $NB ⇑ +12.95%, and *$PBM ⇑ +12.30%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −40.58%, $UPXI ⇓ −26.30%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $LODE ⇓ −17.28%, *$HTOO ⇓ −16.35%, *$CYCN ⇓ −16.22%, and $AEYE ⇓ −12.39%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +61.73%, $PRFX ⇑ +57.09%, *$CDIO ⇑ +39.11%, $VRNT ⇑ +16.17%, *$CHPT ⇑ +13.11%, *$NB ⇑ +12.95%, and *$FIVE ⇑ +10.89%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −41.07%, $UPXI ⇓ −26.30%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$LODE ⇓ −23.29%, *$CYCN ⇓ −16.38%, *$HTOO ⇓ −16.33%, and $AEYE ⇓ −12.39%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +67.62%, $PRFX ⇑ +60.07%, $TFFP ⇑ +22.06%, $VRNT ⇑ +18.98%, *$CDIO ⇑ +16.57%, *$CHPT ⇑ +13.11%, and *$NB ⇑ +12.95%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −40.89%, $UPXI ⇓ −27.81%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$CYCN ⇓ −15.91%, *$HTOO ⇓ −13.46%, $AEO ⇓ −12.61%, and $AEYE ⇓ −12.33%.

Top after-hours gainers: $MIGI ⇑ +75.00%, $PRFX ⇑ +60.45%, *$TFFP ⇑ +26.52%, *$VRNT ⇑ +21.29%, $CHPT ⇑ +16.39%, $NB ⇑ +12.95%, and $FIVE ⇑ +11.03%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −40.51%, $UPXI ⇓ −27.81%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$HTOO ⇓ −14.42%, $CYCN ⇓ −14.02%, *$AEO ⇓ −13.73%, and *$AEYE ⇓ −12.33%.

Top after-hours gainers: *$MIGI ⇑ +73.50%, *$PRFX ⇑ +56.34%, $VRNT ⇑ +19.37%, *$MTEM ⇑ +14.46%, *$CHPT ⇑ +13.93%, $NB ⇑ +12.95%, and $FIVE ⇑ +11.37%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −40.96%, $UPXI ⇓ −27.81%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$AEO ⇓ −14.12%, $CYCN ⇓ −13.56%, *$RENB ⇓ −12.00%, and *$HTOO ⇓ −11.83%.

$AEYE Audioeye announced launch of secondary offering of common stock by selling stockholders.

$GEF Greif missed by $0.25, reported revenue in-line; Issues FY25 adjusted EBITDA, adjusted free cash flow guidance.

$COFS ChoiceOne Financial Services increased quarterly cash dividend to $0.28 per share from $0.27 per share.

$CRVS Corvus Pharmaceuticals announced publication of biochemistry and preclinical data demonstrating potential of ITK Inhibition with Soquelitinib as a Novel approach to modulate tumor immunity.

$CXM Sprinklr beat by $0.02, beat on revenue; guided Q4 EPS below consensus, revenue above consensus.

$ASB Assoc Banc-Corp announced balance sheet repositioning to support organic growth strategy; co sold ~$1.3B of investment securities and has agreed to sell ~$0.7B in mortgage loans, primarily in single-product relationships.

$AEO American Eagle beat by $0.02, reported revenue in-line; guided FY25 revenue below consensus.

$SNPS Synopsys beat by $0.10, reported revenue in-line; guided Q1 EPS below consensus, revenue below consensus; guided FY25 EPS in-line, revenue below consensus.

$FIVE Five Below beat by $0.25, beat on revenue, comps +0.6%; guided Q4 EPS in-line, revenue in-line; named Winnie Park as CEO.

$NCNO nCino beat by $0.05, beat on revenue; guided Q4 EPS in-line, revenue below consensus; guided FY25 EPS above consensus, revenue below consensus.

$VRNT Verint Systems beat by $0.11, beat on revenue; guided FY25 EPS in-line, revenue in-line.

$MYO Myomo announced proposed public offering of common stock.

$AVAV AeroVironment missed by $0.29, beat on revenue; reaffirmed FY25 EPS guidance, revenue guidance.

$ADEA Adeia Inc. announced that Sharp Corporation, a global smart TV and consumer electronics manufacturer, has agreed to renew a multi-year worldwide license for Adeia's media intellectual property portfolio.

$COST Costco reported adjusted comps of +4.9% for November.

$ASO Academy Sports + Outdoors announced new $700M share repurchase program.

$CHPT ChargePoint missed by $0.01, beat on revenue; guided Q4 revenue in-line.

$WSR Whitestone REIT increased quarterly cash dividend 9% to $0.045 per share from $0.0413 per share.

$PVH PVH beat by $0.44, beat on revenue; guided Q4 EPS below consensus, revenue below consensus.

$OGS ONE Gas issued inline FY25 EPS guidance, provided five-year financial growth rate targets.

$S SentinelOne missed by $0.01, reported revenue in-line; guided Q4 revenue above consensus; guided FY25 revenue above consensus.

$SMTC Semtech announced proposed public offering of $400M of common stock.

$ANF Abercrombie & Fitch announced new multi-year, franchise partnership with Myntra Jabong India Private, Ltd., expanding reach of brands into India.

$CBOE Cboe Global Markets Reports Trading Volume for November 2024.

$CSV Carriage Services announced appointment of John Enwright as Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, effective January 2, 2025.

$DIS Walt Disney declared a cash dividend of $1.00 per share; will be paid in two installments of $0.50 per share.

$JAZZ Jazz Pharmaceuticals Announces Ziihera (zanidatamab-hrii) Investor Webcast on December 11, 2024.

$DOV Dover: Malema launched the CIFM-88 Series DuraMassFlow PFA coriolis industrial flow meter.

$OKE ONEOK announced completion of natural gas liquids fractionator in Texas, increasing fractionation capacity to more than 1M bpd.

$PODD Insulet announced that it has successfully defended its intellectual property against EOFlow Co., Ltd. in federal court.

$CSV Carriage Services announced appointment of John Enwright as CFO, effective January 2.

$PAC Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico reported in November 2024 a passenger traffic increase of 1.8% compared to 2023.

Oversold stocks with an Improving RSI: $ABVX, $GMNI, $SAG, $SMX.

Stocks with an Improving Chaikin Money Flow: $LTCH, $MQ, $TPB, $ANIK, $BTCW, $CSTE, $GELYF, $JTEK, $MWSNF, $PEV.

Bullish MACD Crossovers: $AVGO, $KOLD, $MU, $UPB, $CYBL, $GGLDF, $JNVR, $MAG.

Top after-hours gainers: $PRFX ⇑ +60.45%, $MIGI ⇑ +60.27%, $VRNT ⇑ +18.41%, *$CHPT ⇑ +18.03%, *$MTEM ⇑ +15.47%, *$NB ⇑ +12.95%, and *$FIVE ⇑ +11.60%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −39.35%, $UPXI ⇓ −27.81%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $HTOO ⇓ −14.31%, *$CYCN ⇓ −14.17%, *$AEO ⇓ −14.02%, and $RENB ⇓ −12.00%.

Top after-hours gainers: $PRFX ⇑ +71.27%, *$MIGI ⇑ +37.45%, *$VRNT ⇑ +18.29%, *$HSDT ⇑ +15.43%, *$SBFM ⇑ +14.81%, *$CHPT ⇑ +14.75%, and *$NB ⇑ +12.95%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −40.92%, $UPXI ⇓ −27.81%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$HTOO ⇓ −16.23%, *$AEO ⇓ −14.07%, *$CYCN ⇓ −12.76%, and *$RENB ⇓ −12.00%.

Top after-hours gainers: $PRFX ⇑ +65.67%, *$VRNT ⇑ +21.29%, $CHPT ⇑ +18.85%, *$SBFM ⇑ +14.81%, $NB ⇑ +12.95%, *$FIVE ⇑ +10.75%, and *$XBP ⇑ +9.73%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −42.12%, $UPXI ⇓ −27.81%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, $RENB ⇓ −18.40%, $CYCN ⇓ −14.17%, *$AEO ⇓ −13.58%, and *$HTOO ⇓ −11.75%.

Top after-hours gainers: $PRFX ⇑ +66.04%, *$SBFM ⇑ +15.49%, $CHPT ⇑ +14.74%, *$VRNT ⇑ +14.56%, $NB ⇑ +12.95%, $XTKG ⇑ +12.28%, and $FIVE ⇑ +10.79%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −42.96%, $UPXI ⇓ −27.81%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$RENB ⇓ −18.40%, $CYCN ⇓ −17.95%, *$HTOO ⇓ −15.12%, and *$AEO ⇓ −13.88%.

Top after-hours gainers: $PRFX ⇑ +60.82%, *$VRNT ⇑ +14.75%, *$CHPT ⇑ +13.92%, *$SBFM ⇑ +13.47%, *$NB ⇑ +12.95%, *$XTKG ⇑ +12.28%, and *$FIVE ⇑ +11.84%.

Top after-hours decliners: $BLUE ⇓ −39.56%, $UPXI ⇓ −31.16%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$HTOO ⇓ −16.48%, *$CYCN ⇓ −15.43%, *$AEO ⇓ −13.88%, and *$RENB ⇓ −12.80%.

Top after-hours gainers: $PRFX ⇑ +51.49%, *$OCX ⇑ +23.85%, *$VRNT ⇑ +14.75%, *$FIVE ⇑ +11.94%, *$CHPT ⇑ +11.47%, *$OOMA ⇑ +10.61%, and *$CXM ⇑ +9.95%.

Top after-hours decliners: *$BLUE ⇓ −31.41%, *$UPXI ⇓ −30.32%, $BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$RENB ⇓ −18.40%, $HTOO ⇓ −17.29%, *$CYCN ⇓ −13.39%, and *$AEO ⇓ −13.34%.

Update on 52-wk highs for stocks under $15 on the NASDAQ: $HTCO ⇑ at $1.69, $CCLD ⇑ at $3.50, $ESPR ⇑ at $3.66, $GRCE ⇑ at $4.08, and $BCOV ⇑ at $4.33.

Top after-hours gainers: $PRFX ⇑ +45.90%, $PEV ⇑ +18.43%, $SBFM ⇑ +15.82%, *$CHPT ⇑ +13.11%, *$CXM ⇑ +11.11%, *$FIVE ⇑ +10.89%, and *$VRNT ⇑ +9.70%.

Top after-hours decliners: *$UPXI ⇓ −33.50%, *$BLUE ⇓ −29.32%, *$BCAX ⇓ −24.36%, *$AEO ⇓ −15.77%, *$HTOO ⇓ −15.38%, *$NCNO ⇓ −13.65%, and *$MYO ⇓ −12.71%.

Top after-hours gainers: *$PRFX ⇑ +28.36%, *$PEV ⇑ +22.12%, *$SBFM ⇑ +20.88%, *$BIOR ⇑ +18.88%, *$CLIK ⇑ +15.56%, *$CXM ⇑ +14.24%, and *$BNZI ⇑ +11.11%.

Top after-hours decliners: *$BLUE ⇓ −27.43%, *$UPXI ⇓ −20.10%, *$MYO ⇓ −13.08%, *$NCNO ⇓ −11.71%, *$AEYE ⇓ −11.27%, *$SMX ⇓ −11.25%, and *$AEO ⇓ −11.05%.

Top three industries now: 1) Miscellaneous Financial Services, 2) Recreational Products, and 3) Exchange Traded Funds Etf.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $MSTR, $AMZN, and $CRM.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +319.98%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.86%, $XCUR ⇑ +52.25%, $RITR ⇑ +38.43%, and *$GDTC ⇑ +33.32%.

$GD General Dynamics provided management with the authority to repurchase an additional 10M shares of the company's issued and outstanding common stock on the open market.

$CHWY Chewy rolling over today after reporting Q3 results that included a 0.5% drop in active customers, while operating expenses increased by 3.3%; Shares had also already rallied by 26% since the end of October.

$SNPS Synopsys +3.8% making a strong move ahead of earnings tonight.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +323.29%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.68%, $XCUR ⇑ +47.39%, *$RITR ⇑ +39.18%, and *$YIBO ⇑ +31.79%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +348.88%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.72%, $XCUR ⇑ +49.64%, *$NA ⇑ +44.68%, and *$RITR ⇑ +43.66%.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $AMZN, $MSTR, and $CRM.

A Top Story Now: Powell says he's not worried about the Fed losing its independence under Trump

$ALIT Alight issued statement in conjunction with Cannae (CNNE).

$NSANY Nissan Motor charge network adds access to 17,800 Tesla (TSLA) superchargers.

$FITB Fifth Third unveiled plans to expand retail branches by opening more than 200 branches over the next four years, primarily in fast-growing Southeast markets.

$GL Globe Life Inc. issued statement refuting false short seller report.

$PSTG Pure Storage +22% is making a huge move following earnings last night.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +394.29%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.54%, $XCUR ⇑ +47.57%, $RITR ⇑ +39.93%, and *$GDTC ⇑ +34.41%.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $AMZN, $CRM, and $AAPL.

Update on 52-wk highs for stocks under $15 on the NASDAQ: $HTCO ⇑ at $1.60, $KLTR ⇑ at $2.26, $ESPR ⇑ at $3.57, $CCLD ⇑ at $3.70, and $GRCE ⇑ at $3.90.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +357.76%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.10%, $XCUR ⇑ +47.68%, $RITR ⇑ +38.88%, and *$VFS ⇑ +30.41%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +348.45%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.19%, *$XCUR ⇑ +46.21%, *$RITR ⇑ +40.30%, and $YIBO ⇑ +30.13%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +341.89%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.28%, *$RITR ⇑ +41.42%, *$XCUR ⇑ +41.17%, and $YIBO ⇑ +30.13%.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $AMZN, $CRM, and $AAPL.

$SNX TD Synnex completed its acquisition of the cloud migration business of IPsense, a cloud solutions provider specializing in the design, integration and deployment of AWS solutions in Brazil.

$KLC KinderCare Learning Companies jumping sharply higher and pops back above the $24 per share IPO price from October 9; Provider of early childhood education centered presented at Morgan Stanley's Global Consumer & Retail Conference yesterday afternoon.

$AMZN Amazon: New Amazon SageMaker AI innovations reimagine how customers build and scale generative AI and machine learning models.

$DSGX Descartes +4.2% making a nice move following earnings beat last night.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +352.60%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.32%, *$XCUR ⇑ +45.50%, *$RITR ⇑ +41.95%, and $YIBO ⇑ +30.14%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +378.26%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.25%, *$RITR ⇑ +47.01%, *$XCUR ⇑ +44.29%, and $YIBO ⇑ +30.14%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +369.25%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.23%, $XCUR ⇑ +44.29%, $RITR ⇑ +43.28%, and *$YIBO ⇑ +30.47%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +375.65%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.32%, *$XCUR ⇑ +48.92%, *$RITR ⇑ +47.01%, and $TCS ⇑ +31.36%.

Stocks with an Improving Chaikin Money Flow: $AVES, $CSQ, $EAD, $FGF, $GAB, $GVSI, $IEGCF, $KBLB, $MOD, $NGL.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $AMZN, $CRM, and $AAPL.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +403.24%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.28%, *$RITR ⇑ +47.01%, *$XCUR ⇑ +46.43%, and $TCS ⇑ +37.71%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +421.12%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.19%, *$XCUR ⇑ +50.67%, *$RITR ⇑ +42.54%, and $TCS ⇑ +38.10%.

$LNT Alliant Energy, Madison Gas and Electric, and Wisconsin Public Service Corp. to shift the suspension of coal operations to the end of 2029.

$AMZN Amazon: Poolside and AWS announce strategic agreement to enable secure, customized generative AI for software engineering on Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute.

$AMZN Amazon Bedrock empowers customers to accelerate generative AI Adoption with More Than 100 new models and powerful new capabilities for inference and working with data.

Bullish MACD Crossovers: $DY, $RRGB, $VIR, $HUHU, $QNRX, $SLV.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $AMZN, $CRM, and $MSFT.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +283.23%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.83%, *$RITR ⇑ +49.25%, *$XCUR ⇑ +41.07%, and $TCS ⇑ +30.55%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +277.03%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.87%, *$XCUR ⇑ +41.07%, *$RITR ⇑ +39.18%, and $TCS ⇑ +28.18%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +267.70%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.83%, *$RITR ⇑ +41.04%, *$XCUR ⇑ +40.00%, and $TCS ⇑ +26.31%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +278.76%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.47%, $XCUR ⇑ +41.07%, *$RITR ⇑ +28.73%, and *$TCS ⇑ +27.97%.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $AMZN, $CRM, and $MSFT.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +288.82%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.20%, $XCUR ⇑ +42.22%, *$YIBO ⇑ +29.47%, and *$RITR ⇑ +26.12%.

$FL Foot Locker stepping much lower after athletic footwear and apparel retailer missed Q3 expectations and issued downside guidance for Q4.

$GXO GXO Logistics -12% heads lower after announcing last night its CEO plans to retire.

$ERJ Embraer SA signed a contract with the Brazilian Army for one SABER M200 Vigilante radar.

$UNH UnitedHealth issued statement on Today's Events.

$BA Boeing: The U.S. Army ordered three additional CH-47F Block II Chinooks valued at $135M from Boeing.

$HAS Hasbro +2.8% trades higher in sympathy with Mattel making commented at a conference that it had a strong Black Friday.

Top three industries now: 1) Recreational Products, 2) Software & Programming, and 3) Airline.

A Top Story Now: UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson fatally shot in New York in targeted attack

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +274.20%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.34%, $XCUR ⇑ +42.86%, *$RITR ⇑ +29.91%, and *$TCS ⇑ +26.27%.

Bullish MACD Crossovers: $EWT, $JANX, $PRM, $SIL, $TSMX, $WXXWY, $PSLV, $SIVR.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +277.95%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.47%, $XCUR ⇑ +44.57%, *$TCS ⇑ +28.81%, and *$YIBO ⇑ +24.51%.

Update on 52-wk highs for stocks under $15 on the NASDAQ: $HTCO ⇑ at $1.84, $KLTR ⇑ at $2.27, $ESPR ⇑ at $3.56, $CCLD ⇑ at $3.83, and $GRCE ⇑ at $3.83.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +265.53%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.78%, $XCUR ⇑ +42.28%, *$YIBO ⇑ +27.15%, and *$RITR ⇑ +25.19%.

Top three industries now: 1) Software & Programming, 2) Airline, and 3) Miscellaneous Financial Services.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +264.99%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.74%, $XCUR ⇑ +41.86%, *$RITR ⇑ +28.73%, and *$YIBO ⇑ +27.15%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +278.26%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.83%, $XCUR ⇑ +45.33%, *$TCS ⇑ +33.68%, and *$RITR ⇑ +32.46%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +284.34%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.96%, $XCUR ⇑ +43.80%, $RITR ⇑ +28.73%, and *$YIBO ⇑ +24.50%.

Stocks with an Improving Chaikin Money Flow: $AGM, $AVES, $DBCCF, $EWP, $FLBR, $ILLR, $JPC, $LOVE, $METU, $OB.

Bullish MACD Crossovers: $RRGB, $TSM, $WDH, $RRGB, $TSM.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $AMZN, $CRM, and $MSFT.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +276.40%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.14%, $XCUR ⇑ +44.95%, *$RITR ⇑ +32.09%, and *$SYNX ⇑ +27.38%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +292.01%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.32%, $XCUR ⇑ +45.29%, $HUHU ⇑ +41.10%, and *$RITR ⇑ +28.28%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +271.43%, *$CCRN ⇑ +62.10%, *$XCUR ⇑ +46.55%, *$HUHU ⇑ +41.10%, and *$SYNX ⇑ +31.56%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +260.25%, $HUHU ⇑ +78.02%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.05%, *$RITR ⇑ +40.30%, and *$XCUR ⇑ +37.93%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +250.30%, $HUHU ⇑ +78.02%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.05%, $XCUR ⇑ +41.00%, and *$RITR ⇑ +31.45%.

$SNEX StoneX Group's subsidiary, StoneX Digital International Limited, has been approved by the Central Bank of Ireland, as a Virtual Asset Service Provider to operate a digital asset business.

$LMT Lockheed Martin awarded MK-48 Mod 7 guidance and control system contract extension.

$NAT Nordic American Tanker's Founder, Chairman & CEO buys more share in NAT.

$BAESY BAE Systems to aid secure Department of Defense software development.

$DIOD Diodes announced the ZXCT18xQ series of automotive-compliant high-precision current shunt monitors.

$STOK Stoke Therapeutics +14% making a big move after receiving FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation for Zorevunersen.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +261.80%, *$HUHU ⇑ +81.10%, *$CCRN ⇑ +62.05%, *$XCUR ⇑ +46.14%, and *$YIBO ⇑ +31.17%.

Stocks with an Improving Chaikin Money Flow: $ARKK, $CCAP, $COEP, $EAD, $EPOL, $FGF, $GCO, $IFNNY, $JGRO, $METU.

Bullish MACD Crossovers: $DY, $GPHBF, $WDH, $GNLX, $TG.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +259.32%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.78%, $XCUR ⇑ +47.97%, $HUHU ⇑ +34.51%, and *$PSTG ⇑ +25.57%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +262.99%, $CCRN ⇑ +61.74%, $XCUR ⇑ +44.64%, $HUHU ⇑ +34.51%, and *$YIBO ⇑ +26.16%.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $CRM, $AMZN, and $MSFT.

Update on 52-wk highs for stocks under $15 on the NASDAQ: $MVST ⇑ at $1.63, $HTCO ⇑ at $1.80, $KLTR ⇑ at $2.30, $MTEK ⇑ at $2.32, and $ESPR ⇑ at $3.50.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +286.34%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.20%, $XCUR ⇑ +50.89%, *$HUHU ⇑ +34.51%, and *$PSTG ⇑ +25.81%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +269.57%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.46%, $XCUR ⇑ +54.69%, *$PSTG ⇑ +24.35%, and *$RBOT ⇑ +24.27%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +296.98%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.50%, $XCUR ⇑ +49.44%, *$RBOT ⇑ +25.17%, and $PSTG ⇑ +24.82%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +313.66%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.41%, $XCUR ⇑ +50.54%, $VCIG ⇑ +27.60%, and *$PSTG ⇑ +25.10%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +340.99%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.72%, $XCUR ⇑ +49.79%, $VCIG ⇑ +26.16%, and *$RBOT ⇑ +23.83%.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +344.71%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.86%, $XCUR ⇑ +50.36%, *$VCIG ⇑ +26.80%, and *$PSTG ⇑ +22.82%.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $CRM, $MSFT, and $AMZN.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +345.34%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.68%, $XCUR ⇑ +48.07%, *$RBOT ⇑ +26.24%, and *$VCIG ⇑ +24.80%.

$XLV CMS takes next stepped to increase access to sickle cell disease treatments.

$INMB INmune Bio and OmniScience announce a pioneering partnership to revolutionize operations for INmune Bio's global Phase 2 Alzheimer's disease clinical trial using OmniScience's flagship product, Vivo, an industry-first, genAI-powered control tower designed specifically for centralizing and...

$ODP ODP Corporation's Office Depot announced its business initiative with Verizon (VZ), a renowned telecommunications and technology provider.

$TEAM Atlassian and Amazon (AMZN) Web Services announce a multi-year strategic collaboration agreement to expedite cloud transformation and deliver advanced AI and security capabilities to enterprise customers.

$APO Apollo Global Management Funds acquire 50% Stake in 2 GW Texas Solar and BESS portfolio from TotalEnergies (TTE).

$ACIC American Coastal Insurance Corporation declared a special cash dividend of $0.50 per share.

$KULR KULR Technology announced that its Board of Directors has agreed to include bitcoin as a primary asset in its treasury program; KULR is committed to allocating up to 90% of its surplus cash to BTC.

$AMZN Amazon: XtalPi leverages AWS to enhance drug discovery.

$INFA Informatica announced broad innovation agenda for analytics and genai solutions, built on AWS (AMZN).

$RJF Raymond James Board appointed President Paul Shoukry to CEO of the company, effective February 20, 2025 (completing the succession plan outlined in the March 2024.

$HIPO Hippo appointed Andrea Collins as Chief Marketing Officer.

$NVX Novonix Limited and Gamry Instruments Inc. announce a strategic collaboration that will allow for the seamless integration of a Gamry EIS box with a NOVONIX Ultra-High Precision Coulometry system.

$F Ford Motor reported US November total vehicle sales of +14.3% yr/yr to 166,373 units; total EV sales +20.8% yr/yr to 10,821 units.

$EHC Encompass Health and Enhabit (EHAB) won their lawsuit in the Delaware Court of Chancery.

Stocks up the most today: $CYCN ⇑ +272.67%, $CCRN ⇑ +62.46%, $XCUR ⇑ +42.42%, $VCIG ⇑ +25.16%, and *$PSTG ⇑ +20.56%.

Bullish MACD Crossovers: $ITOCY, $TSMX, $WXXWY, $EQTRF, $GRFX, $JANX.

Stocks up the most today: *$CYCN ⇑ +261.49%, *$CCRN ⇑ +62.72%, *$XCUR ⇑ +35.00%, *$VCIG ⇑ +34.00%, and *$CRML ⇑ +22.74%.

Update on 52-wk highs for stocks under $15 on the NASDAQ: $UOKA ⇑ at $0.1551, $KLTR ⇑ at $2.40, $ESPR ⇑ at $3.46, $CCLD ⇑ at $4.36, and $TRUE ⇑ at $4.55.

Top three industries now: 1) Airline, 2) Software & Programming, and 3) Miscellaneous Financial Services.

A Top Story Now: UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson fatally shot in New York

$AIFF, $AKTS, $ALT, $AMN, $APTO, $AVGX, $AVL, $AXDX, $BNR and $BSFC are stocks that have gapped higher.

Public companies generating volume buzz are $NVDA, $TSLA, $AAPL, $META, and $MSTR.

Top pre-market gainers: $CYCN ⇑ +229.80%, *$CNEY ⇑ +152.44%, *$SRM ⇑ +147.58%, $HRTX ⇑ +75.42%, and $CCRN ⇑ +62.54%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −74.58%, $ORIS ⇓ −39.33%, $PSQH ⇓ −33.03%, $CURV ⇓ −25.76%, and *$LUNR ⇓ −19.65%.

Top pre-market gainers: $CYCN ⇑ +190.68%, *$SRM ⇑ +161.93%, *$CNEY ⇑ +150.29%, $HRTX ⇑ +71.19%, and $CCRN ⇑ +62.59%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −75.61%, $ORIS ⇓ −39.75%, $PSQH ⇓ −33.29%, $CURV ⇓ −25.76%, and $ZJK ⇓ −19.70%.

Top pre-market gainers: $CYCN ⇑ +188.83%, $CNEY ⇑ +157.32%, $SRM ⇑ +150.75%, *$HRTX ⇑ +66.10%, and *$CCRN ⇑ +62.63%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −74.30%, $ORIS ⇓ −39.75%, $PSQH ⇓ −31.19%, $CURV ⇓ −24.89%, and $ZJK ⇓ −19.93%.

Top pre-market gainers: $CYCN ⇑ +187.58%, $CNEY ⇑ +157.83%, $SRM ⇑ +119.01%, *$CCRN ⇑ +62.63%, and *$HRTX ⇑ +61.02%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −73.57%, $ORIS ⇓ −39.75%, $PSQH ⇓ −31.45%, $CURV ⇓ −25.98%, and $ZJK ⇓ −20.51%.

Top pre-market gainers: $CYCN ⇑ +229.81%, $CNEY ⇑ +156.91%, $SRM ⇑ +125.35%, $FGL ⇑ +80.39%, and *$CCRN ⇑ +62.28%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −74.02%, $ORIS ⇓ −39.75%, $PSQH ⇓ −32.11%, $CURV ⇓ −24.67%, and $ZJK ⇓ −21.49%.

Top pre-market gainers: $CYCN ⇑ +225.47%, $CNEY ⇑ +164.26%, *$SRM ⇑ +115.84%, *$FGL ⇑ +109.31%, and $HRTX ⇑ +65.25%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −74.36%, $ORIS ⇓ −38.08%, $PSQH ⇓ −32.76%, $CURV ⇓ −24.67%, and $ZJK ⇓ −21.03%.

A Top Story Now: Amazon sued by DC attorney general for allegedly excluding neighborhoods from Prime delivery

Top pre-market gainers: $CYCN ⇑ +234.78%, $CNEY ⇑ +154.72%, *$FGL ⇑ +131.13%, *$SRM ⇑ +107.90%, and *$HRTX ⇑ +66.10%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −73.99%, $ORIS ⇓ −39.75%, $PSQH ⇓ −31.06%, $CURV ⇓ −24.67%, and *$ZJK ⇓ −19.70%.

Top pre-market gainers: *$CYCN ⇑ +255.59%, *$CNEY ⇑ +160.61%, *$SRM ⇑ +112.66%, *$HRTX ⇑ +67.79%, and *$CCRN ⇑ +62.01%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −75.09%, $ORIS ⇓ −40.17%, $PSQH ⇓ −30.14%, $CURV ⇓ −24.67%, and $CTNT ⇓ −19.63%.

Top pre-market gainers: $ANET ⇑ +309.21%, $CYCN ⇑ +267.70%, $CNEY ⇑ +134.54%, $SRM ⇑ +103.14%, and $HRTX ⇑ +68.64%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −74.43%, $ORIS ⇓ −40.17%, $PSQH ⇓ −30.80%, $CURV ⇓ −21.40%, and *$CTNT ⇓ −19.02%.

Top pre-market gainers: $ANET ⇑ +308.59%, $CYCN ⇑ +221.12%, $CNEY ⇑ +155.13%, $SRM ⇑ +115.84%, and $HRTX ⇑ +70.34%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −75.10%, $ORIS ⇓ −40.00%, $PSQH ⇓ −32.50%, $CURV ⇓ −21.40%, and $ZJK ⇓ −18.37%.

Top pre-market gainers: $ANET ⇑ +305.35%, $CYCN ⇑ +240.37%, *$CNEY ⇑ +148.73%, *$SRM ⇑ +128.50%, and $HRTX ⇑ +66.95%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −77.97%, $ORIS ⇓ −40.00%, $PSQH ⇓ −29.49%, $CURV ⇓ −23.36%, and *$ZJK ⇓ −18.95%.

Top pre-market gainers: $ANET ⇑ +304.73%, $CYCN ⇑ +210.56%, *$SRM ⇑ +157.12%, *$CNEY ⇑ +156.53%, and $HRTX ⇑ +67.86%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −77.61%, $ORIS ⇓ −39.83%, $PSQH ⇓ −29.23%, $CURV ⇓ −20.09%, and *$PITA ⇓ −17.04%.

Top pre-market gainers: $ANET ⇑ +304.19%, $CYCN ⇑ +230.43%, $CNEY ⇑ +166.16%, *$SRM ⇑ +122.19%, and *$HRTX ⇑ +71.19%.

Top pre-market decliners: $RLMD ⇓ −78.74%, $ORIS ⇓ −38.66%, $PSQH ⇓ −33.81%, $CURV ⇓ −23.36%, and *$ZJK ⇓ −18.25%.

A Top Story Now: Private payrolls grew by 146,000 in November, less than expected, ADP says

Top pre-market gainers: $ANET ⇑ +303.80%, $CYCN ⇑ +246.89%, $CNEY ⇑ +165.75%, $HRTX ⇑ +72.83%, and $CCRN ⇑ +61.74%.

Top pre-market decliners: *$RLMD ⇓ −75.09%, *$ORIS ⇓ −38.49%, *$PSQH ⇓ −24.64%, *$CURV ⇓ −23.36%, and *$CTNT ⇓ −18.20%.

Top pre-market gainers: $ANET ⇑ +304.19%, $CYCN ⇑ +263.98%, $CNEY ⇑ +177.22%, $HRTX ⇑ +73.73%, and $CCRN ⇑ +61.83%.

Top pre-market decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −38.58%, *$CTNT ⇓ −19.22%, *$CURV ⇓ −19.00%, $ZJK ⇓ −18.31%, and $PSQH ⇓ −17.04%.

Top pre-market gainers: $ANET ⇑ +304.19%, $CYCN ⇑ +289.44%, $CNEY ⇑ +156.69%, $HRTX ⇑ +66.95%, and $CCRN ⇑ +61.65%.

Top pre-market decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −38.49%, $CURV ⇓ −23.58%, $CTNT ⇓ −19.63%, $ZJK ⇓ −18.60%, and $PSQH ⇓ −17.96%.

Top pre-market gainers: *$ANET ⇑ +304.19%, *$CYCN ⇑ +281.99%, *$CNEY ⇑ +162.96%, *$HRTX ⇑ +67.37%, and *$CCRN ⇑ +61.65%.

Top pre-market decliners: *$ORIS ⇓ −38.49%, *$CURV ⇓ −23.58%, *$CTNT ⇓ −21.06%, *$ZJK ⇓ −19.41%, and *$PSQH ⇓ −17.04%.

$SLND Southland received $60M wastewater treatment plant project award.

$GOGO Gogo completed acquisition of Satcom Direct and announced leadership transition; reaffirmed FY24 revenue guidance; Chris Moore has been appointed Gogo's CEO and will lead the combined company.

$STOK Stoke Therapeutics received FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation for Zorevunersen.

$BEAM Beam Therapeutics announced the appointment of Chirfi Guindo, Chief Marketing Officer of Human Health at Merck & Co., Inc., to its board of directors.

$AVIR Atea Pharmaceuticals announced positive results from phase 2 study of bemnifosbuvir and ruzasvir regimen for treatment of Hepatitis C Virus.

$STOK Stoke Therapeutics announced that it has received Breakthrough Therapy Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for zorevunersen for the treatment of Dravet syndrome with a confirmed mutation, not associated with gain-of-function, in the SCN1A gene.

$CANF Can-Fite BioPharma announced that a patient currently treated with Namodenoson in a compassionate use program in Can-Fite's Phase II Liver Cancer Study has an overall survival time of 8 years with a complete response.

$STGW Stagwell named George Brady as CEO.

$TAC TransAlta has completed its acquisition of Heartland Generation Ltd. and Alberta Power Ltd. from Energy Capital Partners.

$UBSFY Ubisoft Discontinues development on XDefiant.

$JBLU JetBlue Airways raised Q4 revenue outlook.

$CHWY Chewy beat by $0.14, beat on revenue; guided Q4 revenue above consensus.

$AWI Armstrong World Industries announced that it has acquired A. Zahner Company, financial terms were not disclosed.

$ZBH Zimmer Biomet received FDA clearance for Persona SoluTion PPS Femur.

$DCGO DocGo announced that its Cardiac RMS subsidiary has signed a new contract with one of the largest hospital systems in Mississippi.

$CGC Canopy Growth launched two holiday-inspired cannabis products from Tweed.

$AMLX Amylyx Pharmaceuticals Announces Pivotal Phase 3 LUCIDITY Trial Design for GLP-1 Receptor Antagonist (Avexitide) in Post-Bariatric Hypoglycemia.

$ERJ Embraer SA and FAB sign agreement to expand C-390 Millennium special mission capabilities.

$CCRN Cross Country and Aya Healthcare announce that they have entered into a definitive agreement whereby Aya will acquire Cross Country for $18.61 per share in cash in a transaction valued at ~$615M.

$HIMX Himax Tech approved $20M share buyback program.

$GRFS Grifols, S.A.: Mason Capital Management requested immediate disclosure of important information regarding conflicted Grifols Director Tomas Daga.

$NVAX Novavax sold Czech Republic manufacturing site to Novo Nordisk (NVO) for $200M.

$TIPT Tiptree Financial subsidiary Fortegra secured licence, launched new UK Subsidiary.

$ASMIY ASM Intl NV provided update following preliminary assessment new export regulations.

$BILL Bill.com priced offering of 1.25B of 0% Convertible Senior Notes due 2030.

$RIO Rio Tinto: Palliser Capital calls for Rio Tinto to unify dual listing.

$RIO Rio Tinto provided strategy update at Investor Seminar; updates production guidance.

$INDI indie Semiconductor priced offering of $190M of its 3.50% Convertible Senior Notes due 2029.

$LUNR Intuitive Machines priced offering of 9,523,810 shares of common stock at $10.50 per share.

$RVMD Revolution Medicines priced $750.0M offering consisting of common stock and pre-funded warrants.

$LYV Live Nation priced offering of $1.0B of its 2.875% convertible senior notes due 2030.

$CRGY Crescent Energy Company priced offering of 21.5M shares of common stock at $14.00 per share.

$SON Sonoco Products completed Eviosys acquistion.

$AFLYY Air France-KLM: Google Cloud (GOOG) lands partnership with Air France-KLM to transform its data and generative AI strategy.

$IREN Iris Energy priced upsized $400M convertible notes offering.

$BTE Baytex Energy Corp. approved a budget for 2025 exploration and development expenditures of C$1.2-1.3B.

$EW Edwards Lifesciences outlines growth strategy at Annual Investor Conference; reaffirmed FY24 sales growth guidance; provided FY25 outlook.

$VOD Vodafone PLC to sell 3.0% stake in Indus Towers.

$RY Royal Bank of Canada beat by CAD0.06.

$NXE NexGen Energy Announces First Uranium Sales Contracts for 5 Million Pounds with Major US Utilities.

$CNL Collective Mining Expands Apollo to the Northeast Intercepting 150.50 Metres at 1.74 g/t AuEq Including 42.0 Metres @ 4.02 g/t AuEq.

$HRL Hormel Foods reported EPS in-line, revenue in-line; guided FY25 EPS in-line, revenue in-line.

$THO Thor Industries missed by $0.74, missed on revenue; reaffirmed FY25 EPS guidance, revenue guidance.

$DLTR Dollar Tree beat by $0.05, beat on revenue; guided Q4 EPS in-line, revenue in-line; announced CFO transition.

$PROC Procaps Group Announces Financing, Shareholders Agreement and Board Updates.

$DINO HF Sinclair saw FY25 Total Capital spend of $875M.

$MKTX MarketAxess announced trading volume statistics for November 2024.

$LLY Eli Lilly Zepbound superior to Novo Nordisk's (NVO) Wegovy in head-to-head trial showing an average weight loss of 20.2% vs. 13.7%.

$FL Foot Locker missed by $0.07, missed on revenue; guided Q4 EPS below consensus, revenue in-line.

A Top Story Now: GM expects more than $5 billion impact from China restructuring, including plant closures

A Top Story Now: GM's expects more than $5 billion impact from China restructuring, including plant closures

Stocks with an Improving Chaikin Money Flow: $AGM, $AXTG, $BTZ, $CLPS, $DSL, $ENLV, $FBL, $GSIE, $ICOW, $IQLT.

Bullish MACD Crossovers: $GNLX, $TG, $VREOF, $REEMF.

A Top Story Now: Airline executives set to defend seat fees before Senate panel

A Top Story Now: Salesforce shares rise after earnings beat on revenue, fourth-quarter guidance

A Top Story Now: Amid political chaos, Bank of Korea says it will boost short-term liquidity and deploy measures to stabilize the FX market

A Top Story Now: Amid political chaos, Bank of Korea says it would boost short-term liquidity and deploy measures to stabilize the FX market

A Top Story Now: Amid political chaos, Bank of Korea says it will boost short-term liquidity and deploy measures to stabilize the FX market

Stocks establishing a New ADX Uptrend: $AIXI, $BELFB, $BYM, $DFGP, $EOSE, $KDLY, $MGX, $PCEF, $UAMY, $WOR.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +123.27%, $HRTX ⇑ +91.53%, $CNEY ⇑ +70.03%, $VIRX ⇑ +30.59%, $GWAV ⇑ +22.93%, $PSTG ⇑ +20.12%, and $OKTA ⇑ +15.52%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −43.01%, $CURV ⇓ −22.93%, *$MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, *$FBRX ⇓ −13.83%, $TRVI ⇓ −13.67%, $BOCN ⇓ −13.47%, and *$CTNT ⇓ −13.09%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +122.70%, $HRTX ⇑ +91.53%, $CNEY ⇑ +67.93%, $VIRX ⇑ +32.06%, *$GWAV ⇑ +21.15%, *$PSTG ⇑ +19.91%, and $OKTA ⇑ +15.41%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −42.43%, $CURV ⇓ −22.93%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, $TRVI ⇓ −13.67%, $BOCN ⇓ −13.47%, and $LUNR ⇓ −12.16%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +126.73%, $HRTX ⇑ +93.22%, $CNEY ⇑ +71.67%, $VIRX ⇑ +37.04%, $PSTG ⇑ +20.28%, $GWAV ⇑ +17.07%, and $OKTA ⇑ +15.46%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −42.43%, $CURV ⇓ −22.89%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, $TRVI ⇓ −13.67%, $BOCN ⇓ −13.47%, and $LUNR ⇓ −12.51%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +129.47%, $HRTX ⇑ +92.37%, $CNEY ⇑ +76.58%, $VIRX ⇑ +37.04%, $PSTG ⇑ +19.72%, *$GWAV ⇑ +15.77%, and $OKTA ⇑ +15.63%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −42.43%, $CURV ⇓ −22.87%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, *$MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, *$TRVI ⇓ −13.67%, $BOCN ⇓ −13.47%, and $LUNR ⇓ −12.44%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +132.64%, $HRTX ⇑ +91.53%, $CNEY ⇑ +77.44%, $VIRX ⇑ +37.04%, $PSTG ⇑ +20.00%, *$IDAI ⇑ +15.75%, and *$OKTA ⇑ +15.65%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −43.00%, $CURV ⇓ −22.87%, *$FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, *$TRVI ⇓ −15.47%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, *$BOCN ⇓ −13.47%, and *$LUNR ⇓ −12.44%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +126.73%, $HRTX ⇑ +93.22%, $CNEY ⇑ +82.29%, $VIRX ⇑ +37.10%, $PSTG ⇑ +20.17%, $OKTA ⇑ +15.90%, and $ICU ⇑ +14.73%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −42.34%, $CURV ⇓ −22.87%, $TRVI ⇓ −17.99%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, $LUNR ⇓ −12.51%, and $CTNT ⇓ −11.25%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +127.96%, $HRTX ⇑ +94.92%, $CNEY ⇑ +67.78%, $VIRX ⇑ +37.10%, $PSTG ⇑ +20.12%, *$OKTA ⇑ +15.23%, and *$ICU ⇑ +14.73%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −43.10%, $CURV ⇓ −22.87%, $TRVI ⇓ −17.99%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, $LUNR ⇓ −12.23%, and $CTNT ⇓ −11.86%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +131.57%, $HRTX ⇑ +90.68%, $CNEY ⇑ +61.60%, $VIRX ⇑ +37.04%, $PSTG ⇑ +20.62%, *$MI ⇑ +15.29%, and *$GWAV ⇑ +15.27%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −43.10%, $CURV ⇓ −20.31%, $TRVI ⇓ −17.99%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, $LUNR ⇓ −12.51%, and $CTNT ⇓ −12.07%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +134.28%, $HRTX ⇑ +94.07%, $CNEY ⇑ +63.43%, $VIRX ⇑ +37.10%, $PSTG ⇑ +20.66%, $OKTA ⇑ +14.98%, and $ICU ⇑ +14.73%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −43.10%, $CURV ⇓ −20.31%, $TRVI ⇓ −17.99%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, $LUNR ⇓ −12.61%, and $CTNT ⇓ −11.04%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +138.99%, $HRTX ⇑ +90.68%, $CNEY ⇑ +69.52%, $VIRX ⇑ +41.28%, $PSTG ⇑ +19.89%, $OKTA ⇑ +14.80%, and $ICU ⇑ +14.73%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −40.67%, $CURV ⇓ −20.31%, $TRVI ⇓ −17.30%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.62%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, $LUNR ⇓ −13.07%, and *$CTNT ⇓ −11.25%.

Top after-hours gainers: $HTOO ⇑ +134.25%, $HRTX ⇑ +91.53%, $CNEY ⇑ +71.13%, $VIRX ⇑ +32.92%, $PSTG ⇑ +20.56%, *$OKTA ⇑ +15.79%, and *$ICU ⇑ +14.73%.

Top after-hours decliners: $ORIS ⇓ −41.51%, $CURV ⇓ −22.92%, $TRVI ⇓ −17.30%, $FBRX ⇓ −16.67%, $MDBH ⇓ −13.89%, *$LUNR ⇓ −13.42%, and *$NOTV ⇓ −10.74%.